"As a sedentary behavior, and because children spend so much of their time with it, electronic media use has been charged as a major contributor to the rising obesity rate among U.S. children" (Vandewater et al 2008).
Vandewater, E., Park, S., Lee, S., & Lee, H. (2008). Disengaged Parenting: A Common Cause of the Relationships Among Television Viewing, Academic Performance, and Childhood Obesity?. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association, 1-24.
This article is how partents have encouraged obesity by allowing their children to be influenced by media. I would use this quote in my research paper to explain one reason for obesity among people, that is that electronic media contributes to obesity. There are many contributors to obesity. Sometimes people don't think that media has an effect, which is why I wanted to find a source that proved or explained why it's a playing factor in obesity.
"Promoting healthy lifestyle habits among children is considered an important tool in the battle against the obesity epidemic" (Vandebosch and Cleemput 2007).
Vandebosch, H., & Cleemput, K. (2007). Television viewing and obesity among pre-school children: The role of parents. Communications: The European Journal Of Communication Research, 32(4), 417-446. doi:10.1515/COMMUN.2007.031
This article looks at how televison viewing impacts obesitly among children. Parents have a huge influence on thier children. They are role models to the younger generation and by having a lack of physical activity and spending time watching television and being influenced by the media, they are allowing children to think it is okay to do. Like the quote says, promoting a healthy lifestyle can be a tool to fightr obesity because letting children build an unhealthy lifestyle very early in life only sets the path to an unhealthy life into adulthood.
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